GirlChild attends a little preschool that has a Christmas presentation each year. She has only ever wanted to be Mary. GirlChild would sit on the toilet with the lights off, holding her little glow-in-the-dark Mary statue. She'd walk around with a Dollar Store nativity scene pointing out Mary to anyone who would listen.
My best guess is that short, dark hair doesn't make you front runner for Mary. She landed the role of Wise Man/King her first year. There were tears involved. We worked through it and told her - "there's always next year."Competition was even stiffer this year due to the number of long-haired blonde girls in the class. Not only did GirlChild not land the much-coveted role of Mary, but a WHOLE NEW CHARACTER was created. I'm not even talking about an extra shepherd or angel. She was the WISE QUEEN. A wise queen with a bridal veil and cloak of invisibility.
This is the look of screwed again.
And Baby Jesus was super lucky during the new rendition of Christmas - because the 3 Wise Men and the 1 Wise Queen brought along some potpourri and liquor!
I think everyone would agree that the quality and variety of girlchild photos has bumped your blog up to that next level for which you'd been reaching. Let's take the banner pic of her passed out--If you replaced the cookies and cheetos with mandazi (African donuts) and mangos...well, there's mommy.
And the 'screwed again' look. Too funny.
Her twin in Chicago has been much more prone to kicking than negotiating lately. If she gets expelled from preschool, we may have to send her to live with her Auntie out east.
Sadly, I do have a photo that approximates that one - only there are about 6 Tusker bottles in front of me.
I'm thinking that you need you to guest blog!! AND we could have one of those Ultimate Fighting Championship things with the twins.
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