How do you kick your own daughter out of the band?
Seriously... her drumming skills keep getting us boo-ed off the stage. She's all show with her main stick-trick being the drumsticks wedged between her headband and her ears.
In an attempt to keep up with the times, Babycakes got me the much coveted Wii for my birthday and I promptly went out to purchase Rock Band for it. I'd been dying to play Guitar Hero but I guess the times they are a-movin' too fast for me and I'll need to look for it elsewhere.
And so I walked into the house with the mammoth box of instruments in an attempt to avoid lesson planning for the weekend and we immediately formed the lamest sounding band named SuperRoq. I was rooting for SuperBad (because we are) but I couldn't convince my bandmates. I play guitar, BoyChild sings and GirlChild drums (or more accurately, bangs randomly near the color she's supposed to be hitting while stomping around for the foot pedal and trying not to fall off the chair.)
BoyChild's affair with the drums ended when BabyCakes moved the chair he was sitting on during a moment of standing drum performance. Of course BoyChild went to sit back down and hit carpet. Jeez... nice move on your own son...
It appears that SuperRoq's forte is "Blitzkrieg Bop" - the only song we can make it through completely without the crowd calling for our slow death.
And there is something just wrong about BoyChild singing along to "Roxanne" - him crooning " don't have to sell your body to the night..." At least he's not asking questions about the deeper meaning.
In case you didn't think SuperRoq was punk enough to cover The Ramones, here's a picture of how we got crazy in the days before school started.
Hey Ho...Let's go...
Oh that sounds like guys will get better! I love their hair :)
Have the manager do it. Have the manager kick her out. Worked for the Beatles. Sort of.
Later this fall, I want to get Guitar Hero World Tour, which is their version of Rock Band. Trouble is, I don't want my kids to know, which means I'll have to be a one-woman band OR the worst mom in the world! The way I figure it, though, what is rock without guilt?!
Rock on, babay. Rock on.
You are just going to have to bite the bullet and let her go. She will probably go on a week-long drug bender, and after that she will forget the whole thing.
No problem.
OH SNAP! I LOVE Rock Band, Guitar Hero and all that other wonderfully awesome band shit!
Please see said pictures of us going as Guitar Heros a couple of years ago. We are still hard core.
Our band name is Audible Exasperations.
You have some very adorable band members. Looks counts for something right? Just give the booing crowd the finger and keep playing!
When we play, my hubby likes to be the singer (which he completely sucks at being monotone and all) but he manages to pull it off. I would like to fire him from the band because he hurts my ears!
I'm glad your younger band members aren't asking the deeper meanings of some of those songs. Alice, you got some splainen' to do, if that happens:)
Do any of our kids know how cool their parents are? We keep telling them, and they keep rolling their eyes......
LOVE the hair!
How cool! The family that rocks together. . . um, er, well, rocks. :)
Rock On with your bad selves!
We SO need that game!
The photo is too cute.
Just wait til they start asking to record the band for You Tube. That's where we are. ;)
Just went to smiley you and the post is not there. That happens to me every time I write in the morning--takes 10-12 hours for the feed.
Did you try scheduling for after midnight or maybe 3am??? That works for me every time. I don't know why.
And why aren't you bragging about your review???
They f-ing loved you!!!
And raised an excellent question: "I don't know what the point is of the whole humor blogs pimpage. Do you get a free toaster?"
I guess we're sistahs in pimpage. ;)
omg thats so awesome!
Rockband is some serious fun!!!
Those kids are too cute!
SuperRoq rocks! Maybe you can unplug the drummer - just a suggestion!
Sounds like you guys had fun, fun, fun!
As a fellow rock bander & Guitar Hero, with a husband who also gets me booed off stage, here's some advice.
Play it when they're not home!
I SO want a Wii! I totally want the Wii fit and all the other accoutrement!
That is an adorable picture too! They have this "crazy hair day" at my kids' school so that would be an awesome crazy hair! Or I could put my son in a pink Sephora wig, that would be great too.
Too bad, kid. That's show biz.
I am soooo glad this appeared in the house after I left.:) Sounds like fun. Can't wait to see the You Tube video.
Bring those youngun's down South some time when they're ready to commit to those colors. I'm pretty sure I have those Manic Panic shades in my bathroom cabinet!
They are TOO CUTE, and their mom completely rocks.
Not sure about the blue, but the pink (magenta?) looks awesome.
Now that's style! Rock... er, Roq on, Alice!
hahaha, nice.
Coolest band ever.
Yeah I never really got into rock band, I'm not co-ordinated enough. I did sing a few times on it with decent success.
Miss you..hope you are survivng teaching!
Your daughter can kick Stephanie's trash and take over Lazy Town with that pink hair. Yeah!
I'm waiting for the Accordion Hero with the special Kazoo accessories and Weird Al songbook to come out.
really - it's all about how good you look. look at the Jonas Brothers.
P.s. Alice's last tweet: 15 days ago.
SuperRoq is my new favorite band, especially if your (only) hit is "Blitzkrieg Bop."
Why didn't they have stuff like this when we were kids? Stupid prehistoric childhood.
JD at I Do Things
I thoroughly enjoyed your blog...gonna make it a regular stop...Thank you!! If you are interested in swapping blogroll links, please let me know!
The hair is wonderful. I want a Wii really badly and I don't even like video games. It just looks like so much fun!!
I know you're busy. I just wanted to say I miss you.
Welcome to the world of the Wii. Whatever you do, don't get the Wii fit, unless you enjoy being taunted by your own electronics...
Too Cute.
Still missing you ...
I miss you!!!!
I got RockBand 2
Its freaking awesome!!!!
I am loving Girlchild's 'do~ my daughter saw the picture and thought it was a picture of herself! Funny how self absorbed she is! HA. Anyhow, I have hope for girlchild. Please don't kick her out of the band like Pete Best, the 5th Beatle. She will improve. I can tell talent when I see it!
Are you still alive? Just worrying about you and hoping those nasty school punks didn't get the best of you!
Oh, I miss you so. I hope you're okay. Oh, and did I mention I REALLY, REALLY miss you?
I dig your "rockers" and the Ramones.
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